
Selected Publications

Note: Student collaborators are underlined and include graduation year.

Lin, J. Q. ’25J, Liu, K. ’24, Cao, S., Liu, Z. ’25, & Pham, L. ’25. (In preparation). Examining the intersection of disability, ethnicity, and gender in shaping the employment outcomes of higher educated individuals. 2nd revision submitted under review at the Journal of Disability Policy Studies.

Cao, S. (2023). Examining information systems use to facilitate the workplace accommodation process. Work: A Journal of Prevention, Assessment & Rehabilitation.

Loiacono, E., & Cao, S. (2023). The chains that bind: Gender, disability, race, and IT accommodations. In Handbook of Gender and Technology: Environment, Identity, Individual, Trauth, E. and Quesenberry, J., eds. (252-272), Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing.

Cao, S., Strong, D., & Loiacono, E. (2022). Examining power relationships in the use of information systems to comply with laws and enable social inclusion. Proceedings of the 55th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences.

Cao, S., & Loiacono, E. (2021). Perceptions of Web accessibility guidelines by student website and app developers. Behaviour & Information Technology.

Conference Presentations

Cao, S., Yang, C. ’25J, & Xu, V. (2023). Examining environmental barriers for disabled employees in different industries and work spaces. 2023 Women in Statistics and Data Science Conference, Bellevue, Washington.

Xu, V., & Cao, S. (2022). Examining the dentist-industry financial relationship in Massachusetts: An analysis of the Open Payment Datasets for Program Year 2020. 2022 NextGen Data Science Day (DSD) Conference, Virtual.

Cao, S. (2021). Information systems legitimation strategies in the non-economic values generation context. Workshop on Information Technologies and Systems, Virtual.

Cao, S., Loiacono, E., & Annabi, H. (2020). A theoretical framework for information systems in the workplace accommodation process: A critical disability lens. Journal of the Association for Information Systems Special Issue Paper Development Workshop, Virtual.

Cao, S. (2020). How and why various levels of access to information systems impact the outcomes of an organizational social process. The 20th Boston Field Research Conference at the Boston University-Questrom School Business, Virtual.

Cao, S., & Loiacono, E. (2020). A theoretical framework for information systems in the workplace accommodation process from a social model perspective. Academy of Management (AOM) OCIS Paper Development Workshop, Virtual.

Cao, S. (2020). Exploring information systems for the workplace accommodation process from a social model perspective. Academy of Management (AOM) OCIS Doctoral Consortium, Virtual.